
Apr 14, 201814 min read
Let's Turn Our World Into The OASIS...
Greetings Friends, Our World is only the beginning... We cannot venture off into other worlds and distant galaxies until we have first...

Feb 24, 20182 min read
Fellow Gunters, Please Help Anorak Reach Ernie Cline So We Can All Build The Ready Player One OASIS
My Fellow Gunters, I hope you are all excited and ready for the imminent release of the much anticipated Ready Player One movie? :) It is...

Feb 7, 201816 min read
Email Sent To Ready Player One Author Ernest Cline Announcing That We Are Building The OASIS
Greetings Friends, We have exciting news to announce that we have now finally contacted Ernest Cline, the author of the EPIC book Ready...

Jan 8, 20189 min read
Ernest Cline's Armada Is Closer To The Truth Than You May Think...
Greetings Friends, Ernest Cline's second novel Armada is yet another EPIC amazing Sci-Fi novel following in the success of his first best...

Oct 24, 20172 min read
A BIG thank you to our 5000+ fans!
Greetings Friends, We would just like to say a BIG thank you to our 5000+ fans, it is greatly appreciated! :) It is really good to see...

Oct 20, 20172 min read
Why we decided to open up Our World to the Public
Greetings Friends, Originally just like Anorak in Ready Player One I was planning on developing Our World secretively and then surprise...

Sep 8, 201727 min read
Our World Is The Benevolent Evolved Sister of The Ready Player One OASIS VR Platform
Greetings Friends, We bring some amazing epic news! You may have heard of the Sci-fi best selling novel Ready Player One?...