
Mar 8, 20188 min read
Get In On The Ground Floor Of The Next Apple...
Greetings Friends, As we have already discussed in previous posts we have many exciting plans to not only make the next generation apps...

Oct 20, 20172 min read
Why we decided to open up Our World to the Public
Greetings Friends, Originally just like Anorak in Ready Player One I was planning on developing Our World secretively and then surprise...

Jun 5, 20172 min read
Time to wake up NOW!
Greetings Friends, Once again I am afraid I am writing after yet another attack in London (which is where we are based). I really hope...

May 23, 20176 min read
Why the world needs to unite together to create a better world...
Greetings Friends, I wish I was writing this under better circumstances, I was very sad to hear the atrocity that occurred in Manchester...