
Aug 5, 20229 min read
WEB4 OASIS API v2.3.1 Released With New Improved Data API & LOTS More!
Greetings Friends, As mentioned in the previous blog post, OASIS API v2.3.0 was also released on 22/07/22 as well as HoloNET RSM. This...

Jul 10, 20223 min read
Latest Preview For Our World AR Geo-location Game
Greetings Friends, We have pleasure to announce the latest preview of the Our World geo-location AR game aimed at getting people...

Dec 31, 20216 min read
BIG UPDATE, Lot's of exciting news! :)
Greetings Friends, Hope this finds you well? Apologies for the long radio silence again, we have been flat out working and now it is time...

Aug 24, 20215 min read
As you all may already be aware I have been working on the .NET HDK for just over a year now and it started of as a Low Code Generator,...

Jul 27, 202112 min read
Greetings Friends, You may be wondering why such a long break from updates on here? Well, we have been very super busy working flat out...