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4000 Likes Reached!

Greetings Friends,

We have pleasure in announcing that we have now reached 4000+ likes on FaceBook! :)

We would like to thank our 4000+ fans for your support, now lets reach 5000 together!

We also have pleasure in announcing that we have just finished polishing and updating our Business Plan we are now about to start approaching investors, now we are in a much stronger position to do so.

So if you know of anyone who is looking to invest please do send them our way!

The VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) industries are two of the fastest growing industries today and are projected to only accelerate even further!

Also, the well-being and environment educational apps & games industries are also really taking off now, so when you combine these you are onto a winner!

In a future post we will go into more detail on this...

This would be the golden investment opportunity of a lifetime!

You also have the peace of mind that you are helping to make the world a better place and are doing your part to make sure there is a world for our kids and grandkids to grow up in...

We will also soon be publishing our Business Plan so feel free to have a look and share it...

We are also about to launch Kickstarter and IndieGoGo crowd funding campaigns.

We hope we can count on your support to help promote and spread awareness of these?

Once we launch we will make another announcement so please be ready to help push these far and wide, we are now at a critical point where we really need to get the prototype into development. Enough time has been spent in the preparation, designing, research, planning & networking stage, its time to get this project going full speed! :)

So who's with us?

In love, light & hope,

The Our World Team

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