Very Productive Team Meeting! :)

Greetings Friends,
We had a very productive team meeting where much progress was made.
On the photo above, from left to right:
Moses Mugga - Creative Writer/Editor/Game Designer
Russell Pirie - Gaming Expert/Game/Map Designer
Edwin Bones Tukasingura - PR Officer/Events Organiser
David Ellams BSc(Hons) - Founder/MD/Architect/Senior Developer/Lead Game Designer
Stephen Watts - Technical Director/Hardware Advisor/Lead Game Designer
Martin - School Teacher/Educational Advisor
This is not the full team, not everyone could make it, we hope to be able to get a big team photo of everyone together soon...
One of the key points discussed was how kids are being subjected to gambling through chests that reveal a random magic item if they pay REAL MONEY to open it.
Last time I checked paying money for a outcome that is random where you could gain or loss is called gambling!
We also discussed how the existing parental controls are proving ineffective.
These are just some of the issues that will be addressed in Our World.
We also discussed how to successfully market the game to kids, from my perspective simply saying "World of Warcraft meets MineCraft meets Pokemon Go evolved 20 years for the upliftment of humanity to save the world" would be enough! :)
But I am open to any other suggestions people may have...
Please get in touch with your views either by emailing or commenting on our forum:
Many thanks,
The Our World Team