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Crowd Funding Page Updated & Re-written/Revamped

Greetings Friends,

We have pleasure to announce that our Crowd Funding page over on GoFundMe has been massively overhauled and re-written. It now contains images, videos and all the content from our main website.

It has taken a LOT of work to do this and get it into sync with the website. This also ties in with our new GitHub page, which also has had a LOT of work done to it. We are slowly merging the content from all three pages so they are more in sync, in case you hadn't noticed there is a LOT of content to merge, which is expanding all the time as the project continues to evolve & grow! ;-)

Our Crowd Funding page can be found below:

Our Git Hub page can be found below:

The Crowd Funding page is quite old now, we did consider creating a whole new campaign but we wanted to preserve the history of the past donations and updates so that the crowd could share and join us on our magical journey together... this is the whole part of what we say when the entire world is the Our World team, and that we want to empower everyone to take responsibility for our beautiful planet...

We would REALLY appreciate any donations you could afford to help keep this project going... thank you! :)

Even if it is just £1 it will still make a big difference, especially if everyone did this! ;-)

It's even better to spend a pound on this project rather than buying a lottery ticket since you have very little chance of winning the jackpot, then even by some fluke you did win, there is no point having millions if there is no world left to enjoy it on.

It is time people start to priortise the future of our planet above all else...

Think about it...

If you can't afford to contribute, then that's fine, you can still help by getting the word out there!

Our Facebook page is here:

Please make sure you LIKE it and spread the word and get as many of your friends and family to LIKE it too, many thanks & much appreciated! :)

Every reward above £100 will automatically get your name added to the credits for the app/network which will be seen by billions...

What will be your legacy?

Do you want to be in on the ground floor of the upcoming platform that will take the world by storm? The platform that is going to win many rewards for the ground-breaking work it will do. Do you want to be a hero of your own life story?

Want to tell your kids and grandkids that you helped make it happen and go down in history as a hero?

What kind of world do you want to leave to the next generation?

Want to be part of something greater than yourself?

How can you do your part to create a better world?

This is HOW you do your part...

Be the change you wish to see in the world...


We have lots more exciting news that we will share soon....

Watch this space...

The Our World Team.

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