Greetings Friends,
We have great pleasure to announce that the v0.0.1 of the OASIS API is now LIVE! :) YAY! :) FINALLY!
9 years in the making and lots of hard work has finally paid off! Still lots more to do but we can now start approaching more devs and people for funding to really help speed things up…
Check out the OASIS API below:
The OASIS API is what powers Our World (the first UI to the OASIS). Soon there will also be satellite apps/games/websites (OAPP's/moons) that plug into the OASIS API/Our World.
This release includes:
OASIS Architecture.
The Avatar System.
The Karma System.
The Provider Management System.
Mapping System Preview.
Quest System Preview.
Mission System Preview.
Cross Site Scripting Protection (XSS).
Cross Site Request Forgery Protection (CSRF).
Advanced BCrypt Encryption.
Holochain Provider.
EOSIO Provider.
Ethereum Provider.
MongoDB Provider.
SQLLite Provider.
Next release will include:
Quantum Level Encryption.
Anti DDOS (Distributed Denial Of Service Attack) Prevention.
Open ID/OAUTH2 SSO Support (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Microsoft, etc).
Holochain RSM (Refactored State Model) Provider.
SEEDS Integration.
ThreeFold Provider.
Blazor Web Assembly Avatar Creation/Management UI.
Blazor Web Assembly Karma Management UI.
UI web components for satellite apps/games/websites consuming the OASIS API for Blazor Web Assembly, Pure/Vanilla JS, Vue, React & Angular.
Future releases will include:
HoloNET HDK/ODK (Holochain/OASIS Development Kit).
HoloREA Integration.
ORION Protocol Integration.
Protocol Love Integration.
Sacred Capital Reputation Interchange Integration.
SOLID Provider.
ActivityPub Provider.
Verses HSTP (Hyper Spacial Transport Protocol) Provider/Integration.
IPFS Provider
BlockStack Provider.
Hashgraph Provider.
Chainlink Provider.
ScuttleButt Provider.
HoloWeb Provider & deep integration.
Core Network Provider.
XMPP Provider.
Fediverse Provider.
PLAN Provider & deep integration.
Many more providers!
Load Balancing Between Providers.
Fail Over Redundancy Between Providers.
Full interoperability between providers including cross chain smart contracts and deeper integration with Holochain.
ONODE (OASIS Node) Web Portal.
ONODE Admin Portal.
Our World 3D Map UI (Decentralised Distributed Google Maps/Earth Replacement)
Plus lots more exciting features yet to be unveiled... ;-)
Check out additional providers/features coming in the github repo:
People can start using the OASIS API now if they wish, but currently they will need to create their own UI. But soon we will be rolling out UI web components for Blazor Web Assembly, Pure/Vanilla JS, Vue, React & Angular.
If you want to get involved, we would love to hear from you. We need help in every area including the providers, OASIS API Core, Unity front-end, Web front-end & more.
Check out the quests currently available for the above providers:
More will be added soon...
As always we are looking for people to help in all other areas too, such as PR, marketing, social media, funding etc
If you would love to keep this project going and to help speed up development, please help spread the word as well as considering making a donation via our crowd funding page below:
It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Exciting times ahead folks, stay tuned for more news soon...
In Love, Light & Hope,
The Our World Tribe.
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