Weekly OASIS API Hackalongs Starting Friday 12th @4pm

Greetings Friends,
We have pleasure to announce that we will be starting OASIS API weekly hackalongs starting Friday 12th @ 4pm UK time.
We hope to see as many of you there as possible, thank you! :)
We will start with our founder & CTO David Ellams giving a demo of the OASIS API SSO/Avatar/Karma system and how to start using it and integrating it into your apps/sites.
He then hopes to demo current progress of the STAR ODK (OASIS Development Kit) allowing dynamic native code to be generated for any OASIS Provider, so far Holochain/Rust is supported, but EOSIO and Ethereum Smart Contract support will be coming soon...
This will allow EOSIO, Ethereum and Holochain to interoperate, and this my friends is only the beginning...
If you are interested in attending please join this Telegram group:
Lots more exciting news coming soon!
Stay locked.
In love, light & hope,
The Our World Tribe.
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